"Well, if I wasn't already suspicious you were seriously considering buying a house, I am now CERTAIN you are considering it."
That's what my significant other had to say when I told him I went and scoped out the house I showed him online this weekend.
What I found, during my investigation, is that the house would need an incredible amount of love and care. The front is beautiful, the lot has a wonderful feel to it, and there are homes right up and down the street that have already been restored and remodeled.
My immediate concerns:
1. It is a raised foundation. I know very little about them, and it frightens me a bit that there is such an easy-access home for critters under the house.
2. The side of the house facing the open lot next door, needs a complete overhaul. There is a random door that leads nowhere and aesthetically it is completely no bueno.
3. It is very obvious the roof is in disrepair and all the windows need to be replaced. The attic window is flat out missing.
My immediate loves:
1. The front porch is perfect and there are brick planters built out to the sidewalk entrance. Even the sidewalk tiles are octagonal and speak to a different time. I love them.
2. The back yard area has an unreal amount of potential to be an incredible outdoor space.
3. The bones of the house seem to be begging for love and care.
I'm in a pickle.