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Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Real people get married too.

I thought I really understood weddings. I thought, considering my parents are ministers, that I had seen it all. I thought I had heard every mini-sermon, sang every hymn and read every scripture. But despite my many and varied experiences, I wasn't ready for what this wedding would be.

You know those people that seem to just orbit each other in a way that could never be interrupted? That's Chelsie and Jerrett. They revolve around the same sun. They know who each other are and they celebrate their differences. They bicker and they tease each other. They're a real couple.

I think the bride even admitted to calling her soon-to-be-groom a not very nice name the night of their rehearsal. In true Chelsie and Jerrett fashion I saw her shuffle over to apologize before we practiced their impending wedding. I saw her redistribute her weight and awkwardly stare at the ground while she considered how to try and take back calling her fiance a dick (when he's more like a saint).

Because real people that are really in love fight. And they apologize. And they get married.

It was a perfect wedding. It was a perfect day. It was perfect because no body involved was perfect - and they knew it.

Below is proof of everything stated above. You can't make this stuff up.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Friday - I almost didn't make it...

hehe, happy Friday! :-)

I made it.

Not only did I make it to another Friday - but I made it through my first spin class!

Last night I did a spin class for the first time, and let me tell you: I've run 12 miles and felt more confident that my heart would keep beating.

Who are these people who teach spin? My instructor weighed maybe a buck-oh-five tops and never lost her breath during those 45 minutes of insanity. I would think the strain on her boney little butt would at least lead to a gasp every now and then.

Up - down - up - lean over the bike - down again.

I have plenty of cushion and that was a bit much for MY rear end.

The house music was a nice touch. It's what I imagine a club in Eastern Europe would be like. A club full of stationary bikes. With a waif-like-hummingbird shouting commands at you.

I'll be going back next week. There's no way I'm not losing some poundage taking that class.

Thursday, November 8, 2012


Everyone wants that one picture with their significant other that feels like it could be in a magazine. Wide spread reports from friends and family tell me that this one may be mine. Thank you Ms. Holly Lambert (formerly Bagzis) for snapping this without our knowledge.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Pinned Image

This week has been a come-to-Jesus kind of week for me.

Since moving to Jacksonville, I feel like a lot of my life has been somewhat rumpled and without focus. After an illuminating doctor's appointment, encouragement from a new friend, the end of election season and long awaited travel approval for my job... I feel like I have no excuse for blundering through my new life each week.

So... some goals. And please, encouragement is much appreciated through comments.

1. Stop eating junk. This should be easy, but with a free meal plan and campus food it is painfully easy to skip the salad and order bbq sliders.
2. Drink more water. Soda doesn't count. Wine doesn't count.
3. Utilize the free myfitnesspal app you downloaded. So far so good with this one. It is really great. I log my food intake and exercise. It's a great way to feel responsible for what I choose to eat. My username is acbranaman if anyone else wants to join and friend me!
4. Find a way to work my body every day. Even if it's just a dog walk - do it! No more couch potato nonsense after work.
5. Set daily task goals at work, to avoid getting discouraged or distracted. I have a white board - time to use it.

These all seem manageable and I'll keep you updated on progress.

Anyone else working on getting healthy as we enter holiday season?

Monday, November 5, 2012

Puppy Love

This weekend was definitely a dog-park weekend. I think Bella met her soul mate.

I'm working on their wedding date and venue. I'll keep you posted. 

Friday, November 2, 2012

Rockstar Brother

My little brother has always been the type of kid that I knew was capable of doing amazing things. When he commits to something he really gives it his all.

He moved out to Seattle to try his hand at total independence, and I could not be more impressed by what he is doing for himself and for the quality of his dailiy life.

Recently, he posted this commitment on facebook, encouraging his friends and family to keep him accountable.

I told him this would make an amazing blog. If you agree, and would be interested in joining him in one or more of these monthly commitments... let me know!

A 12 Month Plan by Matt Branaman

And ladies... he's single.

Anyone and everyone is welcome to join in, I'd love to share how each month is going with people. My hope is that this will help to make my life feel more fulfilled and enjoyable. So here's the plan. (I apolog...
ize in advance for the alliteration but as lame as it was it was fun coming up with stupid month titles lol)

12 Months to Enhance my Life:

Nutritious November: Heavy emphasis on exceeding recommended intake of all vitamins and minerals via juicing and enhanced diet.

Disconnected December: Minimum screen intake needed to stay functional for work. Focus heavily on spending as much time outside as possible and remaining active.

Jamming January: Take full advantage of my resources of having a roommate who is very experienced and loves to dance. Learn to dance and spend at least an hour each day practicing and go out dancing at least once a week.

Flip through February: I don't read nearly enough... If at all outside of the internet. For the month of February I'm going to spend multiple hours a day reading and taking full advantage of the Seattle Library located right outside my door.

Musical March: Spend a month learning an instrument. I've always wanted to learn piano and was blessed with the hands to do so. Spend the month focusing on practicing piano and learning to play. Undecided on whether I will go for a self taught approach or lessons.

Athletic April: Focus of the month, EXERCISE!! Spend as much time as possible working out at the gym, biking in my free time, and honing my body in my free time.

Martial arts May: Known by few I am actually a yellow belt in Karate! I was once a 3rd grader with fists of fury believe it or not. After a 14 year hiatus I think its time to get back on the saddle and take lessons learning to discipline my body further.

Jogging June: I have always hated running, I was asthmatic as a kid and I never got the bad taste out of my mouth from it. For the Month of June I'm going to try and run as many miles as I can in my free time.

Jittery July: Though I'm not as addicted as most I still use caffeine to pick myself up in the morning or energy drinks when I'm feeling worn down. For the month of July I'm going to go without all the stimulants I've grown accustomed to.

Aging august: I grew up in the a Narthex so I'm very used to talking to an older crowd. There are tons of people who spend their days bored and lonely in nursing homes. For the month of august I want to spend my days off visiting complete strangers and trying to soak up some of the wisdom they've acquired over the years.

Studious September: For the month of September I'm going to pick something to study and try and learn as much as I can about it. Reading and studying not for a grade but for the purpose of enriching my understanding of a subject.

Outreach October: For the month of October I want to focus on helping others. Find as many places as I can to volunteer helping those in need.

While each month has a definite focus my hope is that after spending a month doing something it will become a habit and each of these changes will become apart of my weekly/daily routine.

- Matt

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Candy for kiddos


Halloween has never really been my kind of holiday.

I firmly believe there are costume people, and there are "no, thank you, please, I don't want to..." people. I fall solidly into the second category. I do however, love to see the costumes that kids pick out for themselves on halloween.

Last night, we went over to a friends for chili, beer and handing out candy. They live in one of the more popular trick-or-treat neighborhoods, so we got a good look at the variety of costumes this year.

Princesses were an ever-popular choice, as was batman, spider man and cowgirls.

My favorite though, was definitely the kid who showed up in a wrestling unitard, cape, and tighty whities. The tighty whities were on the outside of course.

Me: "I'm curious about your costume..."

Kid: "Yah... me too."

I started cracking up and gave him his well-earned hand-full of candy.

Kids are sassy and it makes me laugh.