My friend Chelsie (her blog is wonderful... click here) recapped her travels over the past year, and inspired me to do the same.
In the past year:
I visited Italy on a whirlwind tour to assist with the arrival of our study abroad students from TCU and managed to tour Florence and drink my beloved Limoncello in Rome.
I traveled to Islamorada in the Keys for a vacation with my wonderful man, and even got to see a friend from Ghana that I had not seen since 2009.
I moved to Jacksonville, Florida with my aforementioned wonderful man and beloved child, Bella (the pitbull above) and started a job as an International Student recruiter...
I planned and implemented my first international recruiting trip for the University of North Florida in Uruguay, Argentina and Paraguay. I managed to get mugged, get in a taxi accident and take a cab ride with a prostitute during that trip. Impressive. I know.
I saw Savannah, GA for the first time, and simultaneously discovered the incredible accomodations available on
I was a bridesmaid for one of my dearest friends from Texas, in Boston.
I celebrated Christmas in Illinois, and got to see every one of my siblings, both of my parents and even my grandparents.
And the coming adventures include Montreal, Toronto and Ottawa in Canada as well as a trip to China and Taiwan. The itineray for April is yet to be determined, but Turkey is likely to be my destination in May.
Here's looking at an exciting 2012 and the promise of a great 2013.