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Monday, January 9, 2012

Craigslist kindness

This weekend I decided I needed to go through my belongings and see what isn't being used anymore. I figured it was time to post some things to craigslist and see if anyone would bite.

One of the items I posted was my very old ipod nano. It's a 1st gen people. Do you remember those?

After a lot of unexplained interest in my $15 nano, a friendly craigslister informed me that Apple is doing a recall of this particular model, and if I send it in - I'll get a latest generation nano replacement for free!

Thank you craigslister - I didn't expect such a random act of kindness today. I'll send that sucker in!

Isn't it lovely when people surprise you?


  1. wow, that is just aweome! I have a 3rd ( i think) generation nano ^^ the one with a bigger screen, haha. I've had it for 3 years and it still looks and works as new! I love that machine. x

  2. Thanks for this post alexis. I'm going to send in my old busted up barely working first generation nano now and see if they will give me a bran new one and it's all because of you and your craigslist good samaritan.
