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Friday, June 1, 2012

Dog Park Entertainment

My roommate and I went to the dogpark yesterday and found that being the voices for each dog at the park was endless entertainment. 

Imagining a dog's voice, and what they would say to humans and other dogs, makes an hour fly by. 

Our favorites yesterday:

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The Bull Dog: "Stop calling me pig dog. I'm beautiful." Voice of a Russian Gangster.

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Non-descript bird dog: "Where'd you put the ball? I'll get it. I love it. I love you. Man I'm thirsty."
Voice of an over-caffeinated LA housewife.

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Boxer: "I playyyyyy I play I play I play!!! Bird! Squirrel! Dog! Human!" Voice of a 5 year old.

dog portraits 01 Beautiful dog portraits

Hounddog: "Arrooooooooooooooooooooo - do you hear me? Arrr arr arroooooooooooo!" Voice of Goofy. 

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Boston Terrier: "You are bigger than me. But you kill my father, prepare to die." Voice of Inigo Montoya. 


  1. I can hear the voices now. And it is obvious your own Bat Pig Dog will some day have a brother with the voice of Inigo Montoya.
