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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The Troll

I recently came to an agreement with the unreasonable anti-gym troll who lives in my brain.

For 2 years this troll managed to convince me that the gym was an evil place filled with judgmental blondes with perfect legs and sculpted arms. It seemed likely, considering TCU is filled with some of the most beautiful young women I have ever seen. Also, given my cankel situation it was likely that they would have no choice but to judge the state of these not-so-hot-to-trot legs.

But a few weeks ago the troll and I had a discussion... where was this strange fear/loathing of the gym coming from? Why couldn't we be friends with the gym? Try a lunch date and then decide if it's relationship material maybe?

He was pleased with my step by step approach and agreed to a lunch date. 20 minutes of cardio, on a machine, surrounded by other normal looking people.

I am happy to say that the gym and I are now dating. I like his temperature control and fancy equipment.

I even ventured into the weight room yesterday.

Suck it troll.

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