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Friday, April 1, 2011


I remember in high school when I would find myself debilitated by a severe case of the giggles. History class, Biology tests, communion at church... no one was safe.

I had a morbid theory that I had a tumor on my brain that caused the release of abnormal amounts of serotonin - and that is why I would descend into a fit of laughter and semi-hysteric euphoria.

Today, I don't giggle as much... but I do laugh. Two days ago I was told that I have a "laugh without pretense." Hearty, shameless, reckless even.

Why would anyone be pretentious about laughter?

I've come to believe that we convince ourselves life is less funny than it truly is.

Today, Susan and I decided that sometimes you find yourself giddy and giggly simply because you remember how nice it is to stop being so damn depressed.

Let's not be depressed and down trodden today - let's laugh.

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