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Tuesday, August 9, 2011

"I'm good - actually - really good"

Do you have that person, or those people, whom you always seem to be complaining to about one thing or another?

You appear to have an endless list of the ways things are collapsing around you. No matter how good things are in other areas, you feel compelled to share the places where your life is broken.

Maybe I am the only weak-minded emotional mess out there - but when I am with the rare individual who makes me feel totally vulnerable and safe, I have a tendency to shower them in my concerns, trials and tribulations.

This morning I got together with my minister here in the Fort - who happens to be all of the things described above. Typically, when I meet with Suzanne I unload all my fears, doubts and worries in one run-on sentence. But today, for the first time that I can remember, when she asked me "how are you doing?" I responded "I'm good - actually, I'm really really good." The best part? I meant it.

And you know what? My life is by no means stress free or perfect - but my life is good. Lately I'm awfully focused on the flowers that resulted from the rain. And that feels, for lack of a better word, good.


  1. This is really - forgive me - good to hear. I know exactly what you mean about having those select few that you are willing to share the less wonderful parts of your life with (you are one of mine)....but I think those people are the ones who know you well enough to see the good even when you're not talking about it. That's just my take. Love you, girl and I'm glad you're feelin' good.

  2. Wow. I needed to hear this. Yes, normally I unload everything onto my boyfriend. I'm hoping the day comes soon when I can just be at peace with where I am in my life. :) I'm so happy for you!
