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Thursday, August 25, 2011

A new blog-tradition - If I had unlimited funds...

So, I have decided that I will start a blog tradition for Thursdays. It is almost the weekend, I'm almost free from my desk and I am prone to daydreaming. So in honor of the Thursday office day-dreamer I am going to start a Thursday "If I had unlimited funds..." post.

What you will find on these posts is sure to be varied, but include expensive purses, shoes, trips and maybe even the occasional car, house or additional pet.

I think it's healthy to aspire to be independently wealthy and entirely unrealistic about the management of your pocketbook.

So here we go.

Today, if I had unlimited funds....

I would buy Steamline retro luggage from the Correspondant Series. The full-size suitcase runs about $437 and the carry-on close to $285. A price that is entirely reasonable for my independently wealthy fantasty-counter-part.

I would also purchase the grove bamboo wood iphone case for a cheap $85. And lastly, just to spend some pocket change, I'd buy both colors of the Frye Paige Riding Boots. After-all, together they are only $696.


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