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Friday, July 22, 2011


Just when you start to get a handle on things - your life turns upside down again. Isn't that the nature of things? Or is that just my life?

Just when I get into a groove of living with my sister and sharing a bed with both her and with Emma, she is moving out. Just when I have found a rotation of close friends to play with, talk with, and laugh with - they move away. Just when when I stop being impossible in my relationship, the possibility of my significant other relocating (across the country with my luck) looms on the horizon.

Don't forget that my family could move at any time, I'm starting grad school this fall, one of my best friends is getting married (I'm a bridesmaid - clearly) and my job is at it's most stressful in the fall, with two conferences, student org interviews and advising for the big Spring rush of study abroad students.

It's a shenangians merger. All of the shenanigans in my life have come together to create one shenanigan-conglomerate. Please see below for my favorite image that came up during a google search of "shenanigans".

Luckily, even with all of that to come, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. I am getting a handle on this young adulthood thing. I feel better equipped to manage life as it comes. I feel less fragile and unstable than before. I am happy for the people in my life pursuing new interests, new goals and new dreams. I can imagine more alone time being a good thing for me and my psyche. And I am even looking forward to reading assignments, roadtrips and a full schedule.

Bring it on season of harvest - I am well rested, well fed and I took my happy pill this morning.

1 comment:

  1. Take your shenanigans conglomerate and show it who's the boss lady around here. I've got so much coming up this fall, too - good, bad, and otherwise - and a big part of me just wants it to hurry up and get here. (A huge bonus of fall getting here being that I finally get to see you for the first time in what will be 10 months!) Anyway, you've got this. Love!
