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Friday, July 15, 2011

Family Affair

My parents were supposed to leave Little Rock, Arkansas 6 minutes ago in order to get here in time for the Vet appointment I set up for them at 4. Have they left? Of course not. 

But as I started to steam and fume in my office this morning, I decided to redirect my thoughts. I thought about the fact that I haven't seen my Mom or older little brother since May and I haven't seen my baby brother or my Dad since Christmas. I'd say that getting here late is substantially less important than getting here at all.

I have such a close-knit, over the top, hopelessly in love with each other family that I take them for granted at times. I don't value our time together in the moment, too often I wait until they've left, or we've been apart for months, to appreciate them. 

And this closeness, this appreciation doesn't stop at my immediate family - it extends to my Nana, my Papa Ralph, my Cousins and Aunt in Uncle in Omaha. I am already counting down the days until Thanksgiving - and looking forward to conversations about Matisse, Hemingway and modern day poets I've never heard of. I'm looking forward to the nightmare that is black Friday shopping. I'm looking forward to speed scrabble games I know I'll lose. 

But most of all I'm just looking forward to spending time with these people I love.

1 comment:

  1. Aw, I didn't know your family was coming for a visit this weekend! That's so exciting. I miss each and every one of them. You are so lucky to have a family that is so crazy in love with each other (and just plain crazy, in a good way). I like to think that my family falls into that category, too, and I've realized lately just how lucky we are in that regard. Have an AWESOME weekend! Lots of love!
