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Monday, September 19, 2011

Look both ways

This weekend was the sort of respite that every person needs. It was the definition of a week-end. My week was over and it was time to do things with people I love and enjoy each moment of no-work and no-stress.

Friday I discovered that I do in fact enjoy cooking, as long as I'm doing it for others. Cooking for myself doesn't feel worth it, but putting together a meal for a group of people gives me warm tinglies down to my toes. Something about seeing people smiling and full that makes the heart breathe a sigh of satisfaction.

Saturday was a birthday brunch with mimosas, a double feature movie, and chinese take out for dinner.

Sunday was an early morning trip to the dog park with my girls and a close friend followed by a work out that I'm still sore from, and a wonderful evening at church including our first night of young adult study. We're reading "The Hole in our Gospel" by the President of World Vision. I found myself thinking of my pups in the car on our way to the dog park - expectantly staring out both sides of my car.

I feel like if we'd look both ways, we'd be hard pressed to come up empty handed. One way or another, there has to be something that makes us happy.

Look both ways today.

1 comment:

  1. I loved this post. It gave me goosebumps a little, which is what happens when I inevitably hear that thing I was supposed to hear. As I'm on the edge of my seat waiting for certain things - vacation, the holidays, getting my applications finished, moving next year, starting the next chapter - my default mode has been to be dissatisfied with what is. right. now. It's so easy to fall into the mindset of "I am excited for those things, therefore I resent anything that stands in between me and those things." Namely, the present. And honestly, that's ridiculous because the present is pretty fantastic and I'm not doing anyone any favors by not taking it all in, every single second.

    I love you to bits.
