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Friday, October 7, 2011

I'm so looooonley. Oh so loooonely...

I found myself alone in my house last night (alone except for my two ferocious protectors. Don't be fooled by their names, Emma Lou and Bella May could put the hurt on an intruder).

As I cleaned the bathroom, did my laundry and reorganized my closet post-vacation, I realized that I couldn't remember the last time I was alone in my house for more than a few hours.

I am surprisingly productive when I have no one to talk to. And with roomies out of town for a while, I may be the most productive I've been in months.

The one thing I forgot to do was eat. But don't worry, all my jewelry has been organized, my sinks wiped down and dishes done.

I would be at serious risk of talking to myself or losing my mind if I was alone for too long, so it is a good thing that I've got my buddies to keep me company.

The task given to me by GOOD magazine, for the 30 day challenge I mentioned, is to meditate for 15 minutes today. I am not very good at sitting still, but I'm hoping with a quiet house and nothing to distract me but my canine companions, I can sit still and try my best to clear my mind for the meager 15 minutes requested.

I doubt my abilities. Wish me luck.

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