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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Bad Lip Reading

I have never been someone who is talented at lip reading.

If I am in a loud room with someone who wants to talk to me, the chances I will misinterpret their attempted contributions to the conversation are abnormally high.

It's not even lip reading, it's lyrics to songs and regular conversation in my home when the television is on. I think I have trouble listening and then interpreting what was said. When someone says "Let's go grab lunch tomorrow at noon" I may hear "Lettuce munch borrowed the harpoon."

Obviously this causes problems in my everyday life.

However, it appears a fellow interpretation-impaired individual has put their issues to good use. Regardless of political affiliation, this is hysterical. And yes, they do these videos centered on liberals too. No worries - it's equal opportunity silliness.

If you enjoy the Rick Perry one - check out their Mitt Romney video below it. That one makes me lose it every time.

Oh Rick...

Dear Mitt...

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